Sponsorship Applications Accepted August 1st-December 1st of Each Year
Ares Manufacturing accepts rider support resumes only during the listed time period. If you have a current contract with Ares Manufacturing, you must re-apply for support each year. If you are a current Ares sponsored rider, be sure to include your "Rider Support Number" with your new rider support application. For new applicants to be considered for sponsorship, send a resume and cover letter, with all contact information: name, address, phone, email address, to the following address:
Ares MFG
Attention: Amateur Rider Support
15117 Burger LN
Caldwell ID, 83607
Or, send an email to info@aresmfg.com
Subject Line: Rider Support Application
Warranties for Sponsored Riders are termed for the time of sponsorship. You will be notified of acceptance of sponsorship and terms of contract.
Thank you for your interest in Ares Manufacturing.